SP72, numero 123 Pergola, PU
Marche (Italy)
© 2014 Agriturismo Gli Ippocastani.
PI: 01358480422
Tutti i diritti riservati. All right reserved
Web project by Khiljeau Design Studio
House specialties range from traditional dishes to the cuisine of the Marche, Umbria and Lazio.
All recipes are reinterpreted with creativity and imagination in respect of the rural cuisine and local traditions.
The products we cook are strictly of our own production and the meat is taken from farms in the area or the direct revenues from hunting.
We grow our own vegetables, spices and vegetables in our organic garden.
We organize wine tastings, workshops, cooking classes and direct sale of agricultural products.
"Nelle Marche si congiungono gli influssi delle tradizioni gastronomiche provenienti dal nord e dal sud Italia. I gusti delle cucine romagnole ed umbre, laziali ed abruzzesi riverberano in maniera chiara nel ricettario marchigiano".